News archive

When hungry: cell switches metabolism to fat

Friday, 16 December 2022 11:00

A team led by Prof. Volker Haucke and Dr. Wonyul Jang at the Leibniz Research Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP) has discovered a previously unknown mechanism by which different compartments in the cell communicate with each other in such a way that cell metabolism is converted depending on the food supply.

Using three different cell cultures, a French research team has investigated the harmful effects that can be triggered by endocrine disruptors. The focus was particularly on the "apoptosis receptor" P2X7.

Using intestinal organoids, scientists at the University of Zurich have observed that alcohol ethoxylate, a chemical commonly found in commercial dishwashing detergents, can damage the human intestinal epithelium.

An international research team involving toxicologists from Constance and Düsseldorf has developed a test battery with human cells that can put an end to animal tests to detect neurotoxic substances.

The MPS World Summit 2023 Conference Organizers are pleased to announce several awards for the second MPS World Summit.

The Next Generation Humane Science Award is available annually to young scientists to acknowledge and encourage researchers who focus on replacing the use of animals in experiments. The 2023 award will be a 1st prize of $5,000 to recognize the outstanding work of one young scientist.

According to a Nature article, officials at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) want to allocat a portion of their 2023 budget request to develop a "comprehensive strategy" for alternative methods of testing (NAMs).

A research team led by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) has discovered that hepatitis B virus particles are transported and released into the environment via small vesicles called exosomes. This may protect the virus particles from attack. This exit route was previously unknown.

Saarland University has launched an online platform on the topic of alternatives for animal experiments. The platform registers the existing alternative methods for animal experiments and names the working groups that have established these methods in Saarland.

Call for Proposals

Friday, 28 October 2022 10:32

Several grants available for the development & application of human-relevant, animal-free methods in research and teaching are available.