Thursday, 25 June 2015 09:55

Investigation of Nanoparticles in egg Featured

Jena scientists headed by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer want to examine long-term effects which result from the uptake of nanoparticles in the body, e.g. caused by contrast agents. For this purpose they want to use cell cultures and an egg-model.

To date, the long-term consequences of an uptake of nanoparticles for humans and the environment undependend of an intended effect, in wich way they are decomposed and excreted, has been studied insufficiently. Therefore, the project under the titel "Biological Elimination of complex diagnostic nanoparticles" (NanoBEL) has been launched in which Jena scientists and researchers from all over Germany are involved.

In the long run the various particles should be classificated to predict how certain particles react in the body. Another goal of "NanoBEL" is the development of prediction models to avoid animal test for nanosafety.

The project "NanoBEL" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with a total of more than two Encouraged million euros in the following three years.
