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Prof. Dr. Ellen Fritsche has been appointed as director of the Swiss Center for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT) based in Basel.

The German Center for the Protection of Laboratory Animals Bf3R at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, has published its search engine for finding animal-free methods.

An American-German research team has succeeded in creating a comprehensive database that can be used to assess the relevance of results from NAMs (computer predictions, in-chemico and in vitro tests) with high-quality human reference data.

Scientists from the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin report that they have succeeded in using light to influence the complex tissue structure in organoids.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) is currently accepting proposals for the 2023 Reduction and Humane Education Grants.

The state of Baden-Württemberg is funding three projects as part of its "Development of replacement and supplementary methods to animal experiments" funding program. A total of 200,000 euros is available, which will be divided among three research projects. The funding is announced annually.

Physicians and bioinformaticians at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, the University of Zurich and University Hospital Zurich report using machine learning to develop a method for predicting how individual cells will respond to specific treatments. This should enable more accurate diagnoses and therapies.

Prof. Dr. Peter Loskill from Eberhard Karls University Tübingen and the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute in Reutlingen (MNI) together with colleagues want to use a female hormone model to find out how metabolism, immune system and dynamic resilience are related in pre- and post-menopausal women.

The "traffic light coalition" consisting of the Green Party, Liberals and Social democrats, has earmarked one million euros in the budget for 2024 for the development and initial implementation of a strategy to reduce animal testing. Another million has been reserved for subsequent budgets.

Saarland wants to support alternatives to animal testing by awarding a research prize. The prize is now presented for the second time. It is endowed with 10,000 euros and is awarded every two years.